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[综合讨论] Autocad 2006 + Me Mate HVAC 20









Rank: 1

发表于 2022-7-7 16:58:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
First off Hi everyone and I hope you guys give me the time of day and can hopefully assist me with an issue thats been driving me nuts.
So first off this is actually  for my father in law, He recently upgraded his pc and is now working off of windows 7 64bit Professional.
My endgame is to have Autocad 2006 + Hvac installed however I'm having issues getting Me Mate Hvac installed on this PC. It appears to be an issue with it only being supported by windows 32 bit or not being supported by windows 7 at all.
My question is, does anyone have a similar setup? I've tried  installed windows xp compatibitly mode and running it in the virtual instance but now autocad 2006 is giving me erros when attempting to use Me mate within the application.
I'm at a loss here and this issue is driving me crazy. Its been a long night so sorry for the sloppy post, I will keep a close eye on this and reply back to any replies that may have a solution. Hopefully someone here has experienced this dreaded issue.
I honestly don't know why he would need support for such an old product, is there an alternative to this combination of applications? I believe hes using it for old work or something among those lines.
tl;dr . Trying to run Me Mate HVAC + autocad 2006 in windows 7 64 bit.
- Rudy

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