发表于 2022-7-7 17:19:54
Well sir you can tell an interviewer anything you like but when the rubber meets the road, it won't matter what you told them, it will only matter what you can do for them that will produce revenue.
As for self-learning AutoCAD, that's the easy part. Just make up your mind that you're going to learn it and then start doing google and yahoo searches for AutoCAD tutorials. There's loads of information out there and if you apply yourself and reinforce what you learn you will be come proficient with CAD in a short time. If you're just beginning then I also suggest you learn as much as you can about orthographic drawing techniques. I won't tell you that it takes years, but I can tell you it won't happen overnight.
Now to address your point on PV...there are two aspects of this science. The electronics side and the structural side. The electronics side is fairly simple but you would want a tool which works with that science like AutoCAD Electrical. Then for the structural side of it you might want to look at plan old AutoCAD or Revit....and of course you could do the whole thing with plain vanilla AutoCAD, but you'd be limited on what you can do compared to what the specialized products can do. There are other vendors besides AutoDesk you can investigate as well.
My best advice would be to study about blue print creation and reading, then get a Student copy of AutoCAD (totally free for students of all ages) and get started reading, studying and practicing. If you have the time and the $$$ you can take a course in CAD at your local community college or pay for an online course. But how fast and how well you learn is all up to you.
Good luck. |