ello to all.I`m proud to have joined your community.Lets hope I don`t let you down in the end .
As I said in the title, I am a beginer.
I have studied in faculty autocad, but only for a semester.The most complex work was in the end a nut and bolt joined toghether.(Plus the teacher didn`t give a rats ass about my group)
I would like to "up my game".It`s been almost 2 years since I worked in autocad, I have a manual covering the basics (not all but, the layer,pline,arcs and circles etc)
The problem is that I can`t seem to find sketch works on the net to try and make some.(or I do but not what i`m looking for)
Please send me noob stuff to get started, and please some tutorials if you can spare a few min. of your time.
PLEASE SPECIFY AUTO-CAD SKETCH or something..I don not want to delet it on the basys of spam or unkown mail.
Further more beeing "rusty" If I start for example to make my appartment layout I get stuck very often on different problems.
So my questions are....can you send me/recomend me some files,tutorials, easy examples to make at home?
Questions regarding to effective work :
1) How do I get to "hook up" to the center point of a line?Lets say that I build a wall, and I would like to cut the room at the middle?The crosshair, doesn`t "jump" on it as at the tips of the line.I could input the first point, but doing that every time takes up time and sometimes I can`t get the coordinates right from the start.
2)Big problem with circles and arches etc.How can I make a circle at a bottom of a square?Lets say the square is a wagon and the circles are its "Wheels"....how do I get them to stay equaly distant from each other and the bottom of the wagon?
Thank you and please excuse my english...I do try and imagine that I write allmost as good as I speak.
Please excuse me if I didn`t go through all the noob materials.I will do so in the following time, I just need to get a heads up for the moment.
Is it ok to post here again with different questions from my work projects or its recommended to open new topics to each problem?
Thank you verry much ! |