发表于 2022-7-7 19:30:09
That I agree with. It's the suggestion of charging for doing so with which I take issue. If you are going to pay someone else to do more or subsequent work on a drawing, why send a pdf or paper drawing and pay them even more to redraw what you've already done? Or charge them for asking for it so they can save you time and money? I just hate to see someone else get that silly idea planted in his head. If you look at my very first post, I said then that if a Revit user is working with AutoCAD users, the Revit person would have to export to dwg, did I not?
Now if this is a set of say, house plans that will be sold to multiple customers, I can see trying to protect the work you did. But if someone has the ability to take your dwg file and harm your business in some way, he probably has the ability to do that from a pdf or paper copy too. The idea of protecting "intellectual property" looks great on paper and you can get up and tell the suits that run the company that you "never send out computer information" and they will congratulate you for being resourceful and looking out for the company, but when you give that set of plans to someone else outside your walls, be it on paper, in a pdf, or any other form, you have exposed your intellectual property. You can only hope that you are dealing with someone honest enough to not take that and run with it. Non-disclosure agreements help with that, but think about it for a minute....the only thing you've protected by sending someone a paper drawing is your layering scheme, printer settings, and layout tab management. Everything else about your product is printed on the page! Who cares about layers (or that other stuff)? You can name them anything you want, why would anyone care what someone else does? Modern PDF software even preserves the layers, so if you send them that, you give that away too. If you are worried that there's some super secret block that might get out, open the drawing, do a saveas, then hit explode, type in "all" and purge. Takes all of a half a minute. The idea of never giving out the electronic drawing file, be it dwg or otherwise is based on flawed logic. |