发表于 2022-7-7 19:27:36
Hey, ReMark, that's true, I didn't mention the filetype. However, in all fairness, the OP said he was told he'd need a CAD file but didn't ask what that was but rather mentioned he'd been working with AutoCAD and stated he'd not been able to figure that out and that he came from a graphic artist background. I've tried to walk between the two different types of drawing and thought I could offer my personal experiences which might help the OP in doing the same. The biggest difference between graphics art work and technical drawings (in my opinion) is the difference in paradigms; objects versus a canvas of indistinct/non-descript/amorphous shapes and colors. Having tried to work with PS and other graphics programs that are more painting programs and which do not work with objects much (photo editing, for instance), I felt it would help the OP to try to give background on the differences I see. That's my personal experience and it is not authoritative, but I hoped it would help the OP get his head right with how technical drawings work (or how I think they work; I'm no expert). Once that hurdle is cleared (and it may not be a hurdle for him or others but, for me going backwards to PS it has been...it's frustrating to me to click on an object but it's not an object and I cannot just select it), he may have greater success with AutoCAD (and other technical drawing packages). He then stated he watched some videos but did not have enough understanding of the basics to figure it out. When he asked for someone to work with him, I took that to mean he wanted someone to help him learn AutoCAD, starting with the basics.
It's embarrassing to admit now, but, coming from CorelDRAW, I was used to clicking on a part of an object, it would be selected, and then I could drag any part of it to move the object but, when I tried to learn AutoCAD, I couldn't move an object at all...selecting an object and then dragging a handle would just distort the object (try it with a square or a circle and drag a handle other than the center). Yeah, it's child's play to move an object in AutoCAD...when you know to use the move command or click a handle and hit Enter...but to just pick it up and try to use it, it can be difficult. Or maybe I'm a huge idiot. But I thought I might help the OP get grip on the basic paradigm (as I see it) which might get him pointed in the right direction so when he views a video or goes through a tutorial the most rudimentary concept of dealing with objects with properties would be understood...a concept which is taken as self-evident to some when they know it, but not necessarily really self-evident at all when you don't. Try explaining electronics basics to someone and tell them that electrons move but current comes from the positive terminal of a battery...until you explain the difference between electron flow and current flow, it's confusing as sin...'wait....the electrons move...but the positive terminal supplies the current?'
I in no way meant to disregard the letter or intent of his request for help. Just trying start of with the really basic stuff, the stuff the rest of us who do technical drawings (and y'all a lot more than me as you know from my post about the trusses) take for granted.
Anyway, yes, DXF is the file format I use to feed into my CAM software (the software that turns a drawing into machine code), and the file format that I have provided to other shops before I had a CNC plasma table and for other products for which I have no mechanism to create (like vinyl graphics). DXF files have been accepted from me by: my own CAM software (SheetCAM TNG), my vinyl guy (who farms some banner work out to Fellers, a large supplier of sign materials and banners and more), and at least four other shops running CNC equipment (mills, plasma, and laser). I wouldn't say I'm an expert, but I've done a fair share of design work for 2D cutting in metal and vinyl and DXF has always been accepted if not specifically requested.
--HC |