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[综合讨论] I can't insert a particul









Rank: 1

发表于 2022-7-7 18:58:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I have created a dynamic block and when I try inserting it  another block comes in instead. This is happening inspite of the fact that the correct block is shown in the preview window. I have purged and audited the parent drawing as well as the block I am trying to insert. Also I have opened the block in the autocad program. and when I select all,  to erase everything on the drawing, it lists 2 (two) in model space and then 1 (one) in paperspace. I assume that the listing in  model space is the layout page as well as the block. Anyway I am doing this to select all and then remove the block from the selection group, which I want to retain.
I insert the block on another drawing, from another job. It came in but you have to explode it for the visibility icon to appear, and then It does not behave the way it is suppose to
I am attaching the block, I have not been able to make a weld symbol with all of the parameters that I want so I have created the body of the weld in a separate block that show's the different types of welds as visibility parameters. This is the one that is not working on a drawing where it is inserted.The name of the block is ( w_body.dwg )
I hope that someone can help me with this one.  I do a lot of structural steel and weld symbols are essential.

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