Hi everyone
I'm attempting to do a Vectorworks tutorial in AutoCAD but I'm still unsure how to make that transition.
In the Vectorworks video tutorials the instructor first sets up the page size (Drawing Area [A3]) via the ‘Printer Setup’ then he scales the drawing to paper at a scale of 1:15 & sets the Units to ‘mm’.
How would I implement this pre-defined Vectorworks setup in AutoCAD’s ‘Model Space’ or ‘Paper Space’?
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I know I’ve already received some great advice on M/P Space (please see here: http://www.cadtutor.net/forum/showthread.php?38578-Model-Paper-Space-I-still-don-t-Geddit) but trying to envisage this in a practical sense would, I think, help me understand the transition better.
I hope I'm not exasperating anyone by my incessant attempts to try & understand AutoCAD's drawing functionality.
Thanks again |