发表于 2022-7-7 20:29:41
Again I reiterate the plt is a particular printer output file !!! Corel draw is setup to output it as default printer. As an example the older if I remember part number hp7580 creates a txt plt file which can be simply read.
Something like p1;pu;1000,1000;pd;2000,2000;pu this has just cut a line between two points, lots of cnc machine read it direct where they are only 2 axis (x&y only) signs cutters, routers, lasers, it make sense to me the cnc machine can read this code and converts it to Gcode.
I used to have a read a plt and make a dxf file to load into Autocad reverse engineering a plot file.
Chase the family member he should be able to tell you what the cnc is expecting the plt to be and hence you will know which printer. |