- Sub markdupfromxl()
- Dim xlApp As Object
- Dim xlFileName As String
- Dim getval(), getval1() As String
- Dim obj, entRef As AcadBlockReference
- Dim instPt() As Double
- Dim a, b As Integer
- xlFileName = "C:\Documents and Settings\divekark\Desktop\test duplicates.xls"
- Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
- xlApp.Visible = False
- Set xlbook = xlApp.workbooks.Open(xlFileName)
- Set xlSheet = xlbook.Sheets(1)
- a = xlSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
- ReDim getval(a), getval1(a)
- For b = 0 To a - 2
- Set myrng = xlSheet.Range("A1")
- getval(b) = myrng.Offset(b + 1, 0).Value
- getval1(b) = myrng.Offset(b + 1, 1).Value
- Set obj = ThisDrawing.HandleToObject(getval(b))
- instPt = obj.InsertionPoint
- Set entRef = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(instPt, "flage2", 1#, 1#, 1#, 0)
- If entRef.HasAttributes Then
- Dim AttList As Variant
- ' Build a list of attributes for the current block.
- AttList = entRef.GetAttributes
- ' Cycle throught the list of attributes.
- For j = LBound(AttList) To UBound(AttList)
- If AttList(j).TagString = "FLAGTEST" Then
- AttList(j).TextString = getval1(b)
- End If
- Next
- End If
- Next
- xlbook.Close
- xlApp.Quit
- Set xlbook = Nothing
- Set xlSheet = Nothing
- ThisDrawing.Activate
- End Sub
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