Hi all, ^^
I am doing a Glider drawing for a class, and i am having various issues with it,
for 1. the designated grid/snap settings it asks me to use (1/8" snap, 1/4" grid) doesn't allow me to precisely snap to the tiny corners i need to get to (0'0"-1/32" Architectural Precision), and the actual instructions do not designate the angles i need to use, nor much else, is there anyone with msn/aim/gtalk that would be able to tutor/aide me in this? i am not asking anyone to do it for me, but just interactively help me with this. Unless this is easier than i make it out to be?
if we ask questions that he doesn't feel are necessary, which is why i'd rather come here for help.
here are the instructions given:
Units: Architectural
Precision: 1/32"
Limits: 20.2,15.4
Snap: .125
Grid: .25
In the settings, notice how you can use set the units to Architectural, and use different units for the Limits, Snap, and Grid.
The limits for A size paper are 8.5 X 11. The paper size limits for most A size output devices are 10.1 X 7.75. Since this drawing will not fit comfortably on a standard sheet of paper, we doubled the limits to 20.2 X 15.4. If you have an output device, you would then plot to limits at 1=2.
Start AutoCAD and create a new drawing called PLANE.DWG.
Use the setting show above.
Using a combination of snap, ortho, and coordinate entry, draw detail views of the model plane. Do not dimension the drawing. A picture of the plane appears on page 106 of your text.
so i am a bit confuzzled... keep in mind, that this is like, the 3rd unit i've done, the previous 2 units were just familiarity with commands and buttons. |