发表于 2022-7-8 11:05:59
I'd agree with that; drawing without object snaps is a HUGE no-no..
Though perhaps part of the exercise was designed to make you look-up snaps and see how/why they're desirable and useful, and what snaps are availible?
That teaching style can come back to bite you, because once you've instructed someone to draw without snaps, you'll forever be zooming in on their non-intersecting intersections and/or seeing little "nubs" hanging past an intersection on a print-out. (I swear that when you have a nub like that.. AutoCAD has always taken GREAT PAINS to make sure that nub shows-up clearly in all print-outs)
However, by the same token.. once you've drawn without snaps, and have seen what a mess you make, especially if you go to create a "hatch" at the end of a two-hour exercise in drawing an elaborate maze... maybe you don't skip 'em anymore..? |