发表于 2022-7-8 11:40:15
Here's what I do,
first, I would keep all the floor plans in the same DWG and use X-ref to get it into the 8 layout-DWGs, then you can do all your fiddling in just one DWG.
Then I would decide (or check) on how large the viewport is, and multiply that with the scale of the drawing. That is then used to draw a rectangle in Model space of the original dwg. For my case, my drawings always look the same so I always have the same size rectangle to work with.
That rectangle is now your viewport, move it around until you get it right where you want it. In your case, I would position 8 rectangles in a vertical line, and place the floor plans inside then, with a grid-line to match them all up.
When you then go to your layout-dwgs, do your Viewport, double.-click inside it toget it activated. Start the Zoom command, select Window and select two corners of the first rectangle. And the zoom-factor will be the correct one directly. LOck the viewport and rinse and repeat.
The benfit that I have with this, is I do layout-dwgs on housing areas, and it's very much more efficient to see from the start if the texts that I'm placing are gonne end up on the right layout in the end. |