AutoCAD Timesavers
1. In OptionsOpen and Save tab, set the "Incremental Save Percentage" to 100. This is the variable ISAVEPERCENT.
2. In OptionsOpen and Save tab, when saving down to a previous version, clear the checkbox for "Maintain Visual Fidelity for Annotative Objects".
3. In OptionsSystem tabLayout Regen Options, set it to "Cache Model Tab and Last Layout". This is equivalent to setting the LAYOUTREGENCTL to .
4. Viewres is a very close relative of Blipmode. Thankfully, Blipmode/On is no longer the default, but not many of us got the memo about Whiparc superseding Viewres. Set WHIPARC to and you won't get hexagons for circles anymore when you zoom in.
5. In the Workspace Settings dialog box, your system will move quicker if you set it to "Do Not Save Changes To Workspace".
So, what does this things do? Is it rekommended to do? |