hi everyone,
i've had a look round and cant seem to find an answer, but maybe its because im not really sure what to search for using only a few words, so i thought i'd try to explain it here and hope that someone sees it and points me in the right direction.
Anyway, on to the problem, i have a CAD drawing and i seem to have written all my text at the wrong size , yea, i know, its all single line text but its stacked into 2-5 lines per bit of text like so:
i can shrink the size easy enough, but then i have huge gaps in between the lines and moving them by hand is timeconsuming and will probably look messy, so, i assume there must be a really simple way that i have never been shown to compact? all the text to look neat again at its new size.
Thanks in advance
Luke - Using 2007 |