发表于 2022-7-8 11:30:20
Thank you all !
I actually got it fix. What happened was that I was trying to turn my pointer 30 degrees and the way I did it in school, using AutoCad 2009 was...
First I typed in the command "snap" then my starting coordinate "0,0", after, I enter the angle I wanted the pointer to turn to "30d" and that was it.
I tried do the same at home and when I did what I mention above, my pointer froze as if was waiting for me to type in something else. I try cancelling it and it did not work. I closed the program and reopen it and nothing. I even shut down my pc and still nothing. Well, I never got to turn the pointer but to got to move my pointer again by typing "snap" ENTER, "off" ENTER. That was it !
By the way, how can I turn my pointer from 90 degrees to other ? |