发表于 2022-7-8 11:36:02
I open the block with BEDIT and move the geometry to 0,0. Then when you insert the block the insertion point will be where I have moved the geometry to.
I do this by MOVEing everything. I pick the point in my selection that I want to be the insertion point and give the new destination as #0,0. I use dynamic input so have to use #0,0 - if you don't use dynamic input you might need 0,0 without the #.
One problem you will have is that when you redefine your block with a sensible base point, the blocks you have inserted in your drawing will have their geometry move as you cannot (easilly) move the point that the blocks were inserted. There are a number of LISP routines around to allow you to do this but as you are using LT that option is not open to you. IF all your blocks are the same orientaion and scale you can QSELECT them all and move them by the amount you have moved the basepoint but if they are not, you have a long labourious task ahead of you.
Still, moving all the blocks is a good way to remind yourself (or whoever drew them) that SENSIBLE BASE POINTS should be chosen when defining blocks. |