发表于 2022-7-8 12:01:30
woops.... I just posted a reply to that remark fellow and now I find this one from eldon, pursuing a somewhat similar course.
Doubtless he refers to my remarks as a 'rant', which is an emotionally loaded term with derogatory implication. Totally uncalled for and indicative of the person who uses it rather than the person to whom it is directed.
How I got into Layouts was explained in my first post, I believe. To reiterate: it was from the help screens, which, it appears, I have read and understood to a greater extent than that person.
There are some people who just use Forums as a pastime. They are not really very committed to any particular question or subject or topic that might be the ostensible issue, but rather they enjoy just mouthing off.
I know this is true because I'm one of them. Even in my own threads. It is what I am doing now. My kids are demanding attention, I've got more work to do than I can poke a stick at, the subject of this thread was resolved (as I've said, I think) quite some time ago and I've got what I want out of Autocad (Which somewhat highlights the ridiculousness and wanton offensiveness of eldon's 'headless chicken' and 'flailing around' remarks - and, as with the 'rant' issue says everything about eldon and nothing about me.).
But because of this weakness in my character I waste my time and energy knocking out lengthy replies to these irrelevant remarks.
Ridiculous, isn't it?
I'll try and bring it all back home before I leave this thread for good, only to reappear if necessary in some other thread with another question - and, hopefully, on that occasion whenever it is, with enough self control to ask the question, state when resolution is achieved and then quit.
1. My question has been answered. The question was prompted by a problem. The problem has been resolved.
2. I found the resolution myself.
3. I have read many help screens and 'tutorial' material. Most of it is crap (excuse the language, I am getting tired) I refer you to, as an example of how even the experts find it, a thread I pursued with interest: http://discussion.autodesk.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=354242
4. My background as a programmer prompted me to remark that Autocad has a poor user interface and poor helpscreens and poor sales philosophy for new beginners. I stand by that observation.
That observation has been at the bottom of the last few posts and I'll be happy to pursue it, debate it, discuss it, no worries, but I think not in this thread.
5. The poster who has never seen a need for Layouts I refer to the poster who gives directions for the prerequisites for walking.
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