I have a drawing from another person and I cannot delete, or even select for that matter, the text in the drawing. Does anyone know what would cause this?
None of my layers are locked but here's what I found out. I went through and turned off my layers one by one. I got to the layer that turned this text off and then I turned that layer back on. I was able to select the text then. I have no idea why I would be able to select the text after turning off almost all of my layers except the layer the text was on. I can now select and delete the text but I'm perplexed as to what happened.
Hmmm...never heard of AUDIT. I was able to delete the text after turning layers off and on...not sure why that would make a difference but it did. It might very well have been annotative text but I couldn't tell because it wouldn't let me select it.
Anyway, I learned something new. The AUDIT command might come in handy sometime.