发表于 2022-7-8 13:52:32
Hi my friends. I am trying Autocad2019, and I faced that same issue. Blurred and horrible images, rasterized, from hiden viewport plotting. I find out that you can plot through adding a PostScript Level 1 or similar, then generating an EPS file, or dwg to pdf, whatever, and then in AI I finish some page configs and logos and etc. Many people may do this way. But in the latest versions of Autocad, seems they, among a thousand of awful changes, have discovered also a way to destroy the plot productivity (And I´m building a book to myself to revert those unproductive and desperately annoying changes). But I did find how to fix it, this issue of hidden blurred plotting. I use paper space (dont know if via model also works), and by clicking the viweport border with the right button, choose > Shade Plot > Hiden. You will get vectorized hidde perfect and light images and files, just like it was during the Golden ages of AutoCAD, when they did not put teenagers who never worked in life, to develop new interfaces to sell the "best newer version with 10.0000 ways for you to revert for a clever, light, clean and fast way to work, and not waste 95% of your time solving software issues".
And NO, hidden does not mean RASTER, never meant. God bless Autodesk.
keywords: SOLVED, AutoCAD, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, hidden, blurred, vector, vectorized, postscript, level 1, shademode, file, heavy, PDF, plot, configuration, revert, stupid changes, awful, traumatic, hell, we are already in hell, life is an app, delicate, "mama said I am special". |