Hello, i am sorta new/renewed to all this and am in need of some help.
I downloaded a cad model and it had block attributes i think it is.
Basically it is a crane and it can move side to side and and up and down and in and out.
I try to export it to 3Ds max and i have tried to imprt and pin and a whole mess of stuff and nothing seems to work. when it opens in 3Ds its all black and every piece is seperated now and nothing works.
How can i get it into 3Ds Max and still have a functioning model to animate.
Please any help will do.
and i need this fast, so if anyone could even just bring it into 3Ds Max for me and keep it operable, and then try and teach me how to do, it would be even more helpful. But really any sort of help would be great. Thank you again in advance.
here is the site for the crane
or contact me and i can e-mail you the .dwg file. its 1,700 or so kb and the site here wont let me post it. |