发表于 2011-4-10 17:41:51
Hi hussin,
you can make a level head which gives both structural and finish levels, but it is hard to use the formula to calculate the FFL. you have to use a shared text parameter and import it as a project parameter which will be used in the Level category, and thus you can input the text value to express the FFL. in this way, the representation will look like what you desired, but generally it is not a "BIM" solution. anyway, the procedure I think is:
edit the level head in family editor, add a shared parameter named "FFL" in the label.
so as the label will look like:
load the annotation into project, and overwrite the existing one.
add the shared parameter "FFL" as project parameter and implement it in the "Level" category.
and you will find the "FFL" in the element properties, input the value you want such as "+5000", and the level will become:
you can also change the parameter units representation (e.g. units,rounding, prefix, suffix) to make them more like what you want :) |