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[综合讨论] DIY - Modeling a Car/Truck in









Rank: 1

发表于 2022-7-8 17:32:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I've seen a lot of requests here and on other forums about how to model a car in SketchUp... and sadly not many DIY Tutorials on how to do it.
There are many ways to model a car, so I encourage everyone to model the way it suits you, and I'm not claiming these are the rules you must follow or how it must be done.
Please try to keep this thread clean and if you have any questions, feel free to ask them, but as long as they are dealing with modeling cars/trucks... and most of all please do not hi-jack this thread. Also, this is quiet a large project so bare with me as I will be updating this thread over the course of the next few days (or how ever long it takes me to model this project).
First and foremost, when it comes to modeling any car, try to find as many reference pictures as possible and even blueprints in the highest resolution possible (this will come in handy).
A great reference for blueprints for those who would like to model as close to the real thing as possible:
SMC Car Blueprints
Blueprints Database
Now, find the vehicle you'd like to model. In this case mine will be a 1951 Chevrolet Pickup (modeling for my 1949 Chevy Fire Engine, Chevy Pickups from 1949 to 51 were relatively the same).
Anyway, let's begin.
Open SketchUp and "IMPORT" the blueprint picture (make sure it is in jpeg form).

I would still like to know how to cut the blueprints into sections.
Anybody else know how to do that?

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