命令DIVIDE WITH option Lenght,始终从曲线起点开始。
我找到了这个RhinoScript,但它只适用于Rhino 4。
Rhino 3不支持命令CurveArcLengthPoint。
有人能为Rhino 3制作一个类似的脚本吗。
- ' Option Explicit
- Sub OffsetPointOnCurve
- ' Select the curve
- Dim crv : crv = Rhino.GetObject("Select curve", 4)
- If IsNull(crv) Then Exit Sub
- ' Select a point on the curve to offset from
- Dim pt : pt = Rhino.GetPointOnCurve(crv, "Select point on curve")
- If IsNull( pt) Then Exit Sub
- ' Specify the offset distance
- Dim dist : dist = Rhino.GetReal("Distance to offset point")
- If IsNull(dist) Then Exit Sub
- ' Get the closest point on the curve from the test point
- Dim t : t = Rhino.CurveClosestPoint(crv, pt)
- ' Get the curve's domain
- Dim d : Dom = Rhino.CurveDomain(crv)
- ' Get the total length of the curve
- Dim l : l = Rhino.CurveLength(crv)
- ' Determine the length from the start of the curve to the test point
- Dim ls : ls = Rhino.CurveLength(crv,,Array(Dom(0),t))
- ' Offset a point in each direction
- Rhino.AddPoint Rhino.CurveArcLengthPoint(crv, ls + dist, True)
- 'Rhino.AddPoint Rhino.CurveArcLengthPoint(crv, l - ls + dist, False)
- ' Add the test point for reference
- 'Rhino.AddPoint pt
- End Sub