发表于 2022-7-8 19:21:11
A couple of ideas...
1st, it may be a Ceiling Hosted Family. If it is, it may be stuck here in which you'd have to click the Disjoin icon to "unhost" it, but this is not recommended. But, do it anyways to simply get over the hump.
2nd, it may be a Face Based Family, which means it anchors to "any" face, such as a ceiling. Try the same thing above, but there may be an Offset property which drives how far offset off the face (ceiling) it is.
3rd, it may be Workplane Based, so it's attached to the level (floor) and offset up to the exact height of the ceiling. Again, see if there's an offset Property.
And lastly, it may have been constrained to the ceiling but this is unlikely. Best thing to do is open the Family in the Family Editor and open Categories, then on the lower half of the dialog box, scroll down to see what type of host-based Family it is. Screenshots would help, especially of the Type Properties and Instance Properties of the Family.
-TZ |