发表于 2022-7-8 19:20:08
You're right. Max is not Autocad and it is not Rhino. It's Max. There is no command line because Max is not command line driven, like Autocad and Rhino. It works through buttons, dialogs and menus.
You asked, how do professionals work at the speed demanded in architecture in 3ds max? The answer is "practice". I can work just as fast in Max as I can in Autocad. You just have to learn the interface and find out where everything is located and how it all works. It just takes time. Max is not the type of program you can just pick up and run with. It's not a CAD program and it's not like any other program you've used before.
You can customize the interface, create hotkey's, etc. but once you get comfortable with the UI you will find that you really don't need that many hotkey's. The buttons, right click menu's and rollout's along the right side of the screen will get you pretty much everywhere you need to go in the program. But if you're just starting out, I would recommend getting a book or an introductory training DVD. There's a lot to learn. |