发表于 2022-7-8 19:28:46
I just re-read your original post. Are you saying that the roof only disappears when rendered? Is it there when you look at the model in the viewport?
Is there any way you can zip the file and post it here?
I don't use Vray, so you're on your own with that. Unless someone else can help?
Working with materials can be a little tricky to learn, and can be very difficult to explain here in the forum. I would suggest that you consult your Max Help files first. There's loads of information in there. Take some time and read through all of that and then come back with specific questions. It will be much easier to explain things once you have some knowledge about the materials editor, UVW mapping, etc.
Also, if you're not already aware of this, there are lots of very good tutorials available directly from the Max Help menu. Just click on "Tutorials". |