I am writing this macro to help handle our drawing releases throughout the company I work for. We have issues with Solidworks assemblies (and the occasional drawing) not being the most stable things in the world so I have "pieced" this together to save clean copies of our work at revision releases in .pdf format (I'm no programmer, last time I used VB was 5 years ago in intro to engineering).
Feel free to review and suggest ways to clean up the code but the main reason I am here is I wish to automate the process of pulling the revision letter from the part. Currently I have the code set up to prompt the user to enter the current Revision level (see line in Red). I would like to rewrite this line to pull from our property sheet for the part/assembly that is referenced in the open drawing. Each part we make has a Property sheet we pull info from to fill out the title block on our drawings, this typically requires a $PRPSHEET call in the drawing template to pull the info in automatically. I would really like to know how I can reference this information from my VB code and dimension it to a string variable to be used later in the code.