I am fairly new to SolidWorks and even newer to scripting. Our design department recently came to me wondering if there was a way to create a macro that when they selected a part in the feature tree on the left hand side, and pushed the macro hotkey, if the name could be copied to the clipboard to be pasted in other programs. We have various documents that they need the name of, and right now they are right clicking on the part name and selecting properties, and getting to the name that way to copy it. It would be a lot easier for them if they could just do a quick key similar to ctrl+c to copy it. It would be even better if they could select multiple parts at a time, and have it copy each part name on a different line so when you pasted it, it would look similar to:
If anyone has anyone could help me out it would be very much appreciated. Even if all you can give me is pointers or suggestions. Thanks very much!! |