今天第一次碰到个问题,当用pedit编辑一条line时,提示如下: 中文版的提示:此直线和当前UCS不平行。
英文版的提示:Command: pedit
Select polyline or [Multiple]:
The object is not parallel to the UCS.
此line的list结果是:LINE Layer: "-1-冷水"
Space: Model space
Handle = 20f5
from point, X=459810.2932 Y=-377968.3449 Z= 0.0000
to point, X=459810.2932 Y=-347376.1716 Z= 0.0000
In Current UCS, Length =30592.1733, Angle in XY Plane = 90
3D Length =30592.1733, Angle from XY Plane = 0
Delta X = 0.0000, Delta Y = 30592.1733, Delta Z = 0.0000