发表于 2010-8-27 19:10:00
Directly specifies an in-memory Atil.Image or a custom Atil.FileReadDescriptor to be used. Either image or fileDescription can be null, but not both. Copies of the Atil.Image and Atil.FileReadDescriptor are retained by the RasterImageDef, so the caller's copy of these objects may be deleted at any time.
This function is intended for use by raster editing application developers.
The Loaded status must be false when this function is called. It can be used to construct an RasterImageDef object in lieu of calling ActiveFileName.
If image is not null and is valid, the "loaded" status is set true. Otherwise, "loaded" status is set to false. If image is null, then fileDescription must be a valid read or write Atil.FileReadDescriptor from which an image can be read on demand.
If fileDescription is not null and is valid, resolution and file type information is extracted from it. If fileDescription has a valid file path, it is used as the "active path." Otherwise, "active path" is set to the null string.
If modifyDatabase is true, undo recording will be done for changes made to the RasterImageDef object.
Use ImageModified and the RasterImageDefReactor mechanism to be notified of attempts to delete this image. Otherwise, the user may be able to Unload or Reload the image through the user interface, possibly losing image data that hasn't been saved to disk.