发表于 2010-4-18 11:27:00
This is an instantiable class that is by default initialized to the default tolerances. Subsequently, the tolerances within it can be customized to suit a specific need. For example, an instance of this class may be specialized for use during surface intersection.
Class Tolerance keeps two properties, EqualPoint and EqualVector, which are used in evaluation according to the following rules:
Two points, p1 and p2, are equal if
(p1 - p2).length()
Two vectors, v1 and v2, are equal if
[/ol](v1 - v2).length()
Two vectors, v1 and v2, are parallel if
[/ol](v1/v1.length() - v2/v2.length() ).length() OR
(v1/v1.length() + v2/v2.length() ).length()
Two vectors, v1 and v2, are perpendicular if
Two lines or rays are parallel (perpendicular) if their directional vectors are parallel (perpendicular)
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