The API's When and Why
Written by Andrew Canfield
There are three major API's with which you can extend AutoCAD. They are respectively: a C/C++ api called objectARX, a VB/VBA api, and an AutoLisp/VisualLisp api. Every developer has their favorite but all partiality aside people often wonder which is better, which should I use? The answer to those questions is: "It depends on what you need to accomplish". Each API has different things, which make it better in given situations. When deciding on which API to use there are 4 things you need to ask yourself. What language am I most comfortable in? How much time do I have? Who is the target user and how much AutoCAD experience do they have? How much control over AutoCAD and possibly Windows do I need to accomplish the task quickly? After I address some of the functionality of the different API's you will see why these are relevant. I am only going to deal with these API's as they apply internally to AutoCAD not as stand alone applications.
The objectARX API:
Out of the three API's this one has the most control over AutoCAD and Windows. You can register its commands with AutoCAD. The user needs to know very little about AutoCAD to run your program. The drawbacks to it are it takes longer to develop in it for most developers than VBA or Lisp, and often it is overkill especially for simple drafting tools. To get anything done in this API you should already be very familiar with C and C++. On a personal level this API is my favorite but that is because I do 99% of all my development in C and C++ so when I do something for AutoCAD it's easier for me not to have to switch languages. For me it falls into the category of "what language am I most comfortable with?". There are things within AutoCAD that this API can access that the other API's cannot. This is the major reason for most developers who use this API. They need to do something and it literally cannot be done using the other two API's. This is also the only API to which you can secure your code from having others read and copy your source. If you need to develop custom objects, work with spatial filtering, expose functionality to an application using another API, are developing third party tools for sale, or a host of other things to which VBA and Lisp cannot access without great difficulty or at all then this is the API you should use.
If this is your first time extending the functionality of AutoCAD than this is most likely the API for you. This API is very friendly towards new developers. The Visual Basic language reads in such a way that many times new developers can work out simple questions by just reading the names of the functions. This API does not have as much access to AutoCAD as the C++ or Lisp API's do however you can construct and execute Lisp commands to give yourself access to the few things that Lisp can do which VBA cannot natively. If you are very good with VBA you can subclass the AutoCAD command line and then there really isn't anything Lisp has access to which you wouldn't using VBA. The major drawback to the VBA API is that it doesn't natively register your functionality with AutoCAD. It must first be loaded as a dvb in any of the various ways you can load applications into AutoCAD and then executed via the tools menu or by a custom button or menu item. Depending on your user base this can be a big issue. I have worked on contracts where the drafters are all used to commands and don't want to use anything else. In this case VBA can be a difficult sell. If the user group isn't that stuck in there ways then VBA is usually a very easy sell. Especially after they see how fast you can create tools with it. As with Lisp this is primarily an internal developer's tool to extend AutoCAD within your company, or if you have been contracted to work on site to write custom tools. Out of all the API's this is the one, which can create applications the most quickly especially applications, which require graphic dialogs. It also has the most support from AutoDesk.
The Lisp API:
When I am speaking of Lisp I am specifically referring to AutoLisp and VisualLisp I am not talking about ANSI Common Lisp. First a quick description of AutoLisp. "AutoLisp: it combines the RAD features of iX86 with the flexibility of COBOL". All kidding aside the major reason the Lisp API gets used is because for many developers it satisfies the question "What language am I most comfortable in?". For many people this is where they started and it is what they are fastest developing in. Another reason to use this API is, if the environment in which you work has large legacy libraries of Lisp routines. Lisp is harder than VBA to learn yet still far easier than C or C++. Until AutoCAD 2000, VBA was not very well implemented inside of AutoCAD and left a great deal to be desired. Lisp was the primary choice for rapid in house development of macro's. Large libraries of Lisp functions exist in many places. Re-writing these in VBA is often not cost effective in the short term. If this is the case then Lisp is the tool for you and may God have mercy upon your soul. Kidding sort of. There are some very serious downsides to using Lisp so if you are new to developing for AutoCAD or need to interface your functionality with any other Windows programs or the Windows operating system you may want to look into VBA instead. On the upside if you are interfacing with a program written for the objectARX API it is a lot easier for the objectARX developer to expose their functionality to Lisp than VBA but a good developer should be able to do either so it really depends on who is writing the C++ side of things as to which they expose their functionality to.
Here is a simple checklist for determining which API may be right for your project:
You are most comfortable working in C or C++
You need the absolute maximum amount of control over AutoCAD and Windows
You need to write custom objects
You need access to things which are not exposed to VBA or Lisp
You require more speed than can be had using VBA or Lisp
Your workplace requires applications be developed in C or C++
You need to use libraries external to AutoCAD which are only available to C or C++
You are most comfortable working in VBA
You need to use a dialogs
You need to interface with Windows or one of the Microsoft office programs like Excel
You are new to developing for AutoCAD or are new to developing period
You require maximum speed of development time yet are not overly worried about application speed
You know you are going to need a lot of help from Autodesk getting your application written
The world ended and there are no other tools available
You are most comfortable working in Lisp
You are working with an AutoCAD version prior to 2000
You are working in one of those gray areas in AutoCAD where Lisp can do something that would require a huge amount of VB knowledge to accomplish the same thing.
Your workplace requires it
Your workplace may need to interface existing Lisp libraries with your tool
You enjoy pain
You don't need any dialogs or graphical user interaction other than the command line/screen pics in your application
Parens make you happy (oh look here come the men in white coats for you now)
Now I will provide what you all come here for really. Free code. Yes, that's right we know that's why you really read this stuff isn't it. So since you suffered through the above I suppose I shall have to reward you with free code so that you come back. In each of the three API's I show a way to edit the first editable attribute in a block reference. The use of "command" will not be seen here as that is a huge pet peeve of mine. If you are using "command" you are not programming you are scripting and they are two completely separate things.
void chngAtt()
ads_name entres;
ads_point ptres;
AcDbObjectId _Id, _attId;
AcDbObjectIterator *pIttr = NULL;
if(acedEntSel("Select a Block Reference", entres, ptres) != RTNORM )
//Selection failed
acdbGetObjectId(_Id, entres);
AcDbObjectPointer pRef(_Id,AcDb::kForRead);
//Open failed
pIttr = pRef->attributeIterator();
_attId = pIttr->objectId();
AcDbObjectPointer pAtt(_attId,AcDb::kForWrite);
pAtt->setTextString("We changed this");
delete pIttr;
Option Explicit
Sub chngAtt()
Dim objEnt As AcadObject
Dim objRef As AcadBlockReference
Dim varAtts As Variant
Dim objAtt As AcadAttributeReference
Dim emptyPt As Variant
ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity objEnt, emptyPt, "Select Block: "
If objEnt.ObjectName = "AcDbBlockReference" Then
Set objRef = objEnt
If objRef.HasAttributes Then
varAtts = objRef.GetAttributes
Set objAtt = varAtts(0)
objAtt.TextString = "We changed this"
End If
End If
End Sub
(defun C:chngAtt ()
(setq Mainent (entsel))
(setq entList (entget (car Mainent)))
(setq entAtt (entget (entnext (cdr (assoc -1 entList)))))
(setq entNewAttVal
(subst (cons 1 "We changed this") (assoc 1 entAtt) entAtt)
(entmod entNewAttVal)
(entupd (car Mainent))
) |