发表于 2006-7-25 16:37:00
// created: 22/7/2006 17:53 ShangHai
// author:  iPi
// purpose: Delete X-Data of a entity, no matter if there is X-Data attached to the entity
// when we fail to store a flange,but some information has already been added as x data,
// we need to delete these x data for consistency
bool DelXData(AcDbObjectId adoiEntity)
//Open the entity for editing
AcDbEntity *padEntity;
if (acdbOpenAcDbEntity(padEntity, adoiEntity, AcDb::kForWrite) != Acad::eOk) {
return false;
}//end if
//Get x data result buffer of the entity
resbuf *rbXdata = padEntity->xData(NULL);
//result buffer not null
if (rbXdata) {
rbXdata->rbnext = NULL;
}//end if
return true;
}//end of function : DelXData()