<RE class=Code>Sub Example_AddHatch()
' This example creates an associative gradient hatch in model space.
Dim hatchObj As AcadHatch
Dim patternName As String
Dim PatternType As Long
Dim bAssociativity As Boolean
' Define the hatch
patternName = "CYLINDER"
PatternType = acPreDefinedGradient '0
bAssociativity = True
' Create the associative Hatch object in model space
Set hatchObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddHatch(PatternType, patternName, bAssociativity, acGradientObject)
Dim col1 As AcadAcCmColor, col2 As AcadAcCmColor
Set col1 = AcadApplication.GetInterfaceObject(".AcCmColor.16")
Set col2 = AcadApplication.GetInterfaceObject("AutoCAD.AcCmColor.16")
Call col1.SetRGB(255, 0, 0)
Call col2.SetRGB(0, 255, 0)
hatchObj.GradientColor1 = col1
hatchObj.GradientColor2 = col2
' Create the outer boundary for the hatch (a circle)
Dim outerLoop(0 To 0) As AcadEntity
Dim center(0 To 2) As Double
Dim radius As Double
center(0) = 3: center(1) = 3: center(2) = 0
radius = 1
Set outerLoop(0) = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(center, radius)
' Append the outerboundary to the hatch object, and display the hatch
hatchObj.AppendOuterLoop (outerLoop)
ThisDrawing.Regen True
End Sub<RE class=Code>上面的这段代码如何用vc实现??? |