发表于 2005-6-14 23:36:00
那个函数我也有,不过transformBy()函数只适合于, , , 外的实体类型的操作下面是对这个函数的帮助文档
This function provides a means by which AutoCAD and ObjectARX applications can ask the entity to apply a transformation matrix (xform) to itself.
Each entity class must implement this function, so restrictions on what types of transformations are supported are up to the implementor of the entity class. The AutoCAD built-in entity classes for entity types that existed before R13 (that is, all the classes listed in the header file dbents.h such as , , , , etc.) require that the transformation matrix represent a uniformly scaling orthogonal transformation (if it is not, then Acad::eCannotScaleNonUniformly will be returned). Other AutoCAD built-in classes have no restrictions.
怎么办,里面说了这四种类型的实体都不行,请问我改怎么做,望高手指点 |