发表于 2002-10-8 14:12:00
The following example creates a simple context reactor that responds to a variety of input context events:
// The input context reactor class.
class MyContextReactor : public AcEdInputContextReactor
void beginGetPoint(const AcGePoint3d* pointIn,const char* promptString, int initGetFlags,const char* pKeywords);
void endGetPoint(Acad:romptStatus returnStatus,const AcGePoint3d& pointOut, const char*& pKeyword);
void beginGetOrientation(const AcGePoint3d* pointIn,const char* promptString,int initGetFlags,const char* pKeywords);
void endGetOrientation(Acad:romptStatus returnStatus, double& angle,const char*& pKeyword);
void beginGetCorner(const AcGePoint3d* firstCorner,const char* promptString,int initGetFlags,const char* pKeywords);
void endGetCorner(Acad:romptStatus returnStatus, AcGePoint3d& secondCorner,const char*& pKeyword);
void beginSSGet(const char* pPrompt,int initGetFlags,const char* pKeywords,const char* pSSControls,const Array& points,const resbuf* entMask);
void endSSGet(Acad:romptStatus returnStatus,const AcArray& ss);
void MyContextReactor::beginGetPoint(const AcGePoint3d* pointIn, const char* promptString,int initGetFlags,const char* pKeywords)
acutPrintf("beginGetPoint: pointIn = %.2f,%.2f,%.2f\n",
(*pointIn)[0], (*pointIn)[1], (*pointIn)[2]);
if (NULL != promptString)
acutPrintf("%s", promptString);
acutPrintf("initGetFlags: %d\n", initGetFlags);
if (NULL != pKeywords)
acutPrintf("Keywords: %s\n", pKeywords);
void MyContextReactor::endGetPoint(Acad:romptStatus returnStatus, const AcGePoint3d& pointOut,const char*& pKeyword)
acutPrintf("endGetPoint: %d\n", returnStatus);
acutPrintf("%.2f,%.2f,%.2f\n", pointOut[0], pointOut[1],
if (NULL != pKeyword)
acutPrintf("Keyword: %s\n", pKeyword);
void MyContextReactor::beginGetOrientation(const AcGePoint3d* pointIn,const char* promptString, int initGetFlags,const char* pKeywords)
acutPrintf("beginGetOrientation: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f\n",
(*pointIn)[0], (*pointIn)[1], (*pointIn)[2]);
void MyContextReactor::endGetOrientation(Acad:romptStatus returnStatus,double& angle,const char*& pKeyword)
acutPrintf("endGetOrientation: %.2f\n", angle);
void MyContextReactor::beginGetCorner(const AcGePoint3d* firstCorner,const char* promptString,int initGetFlags,const char* pKeywords)
if (NULL != firstCorner)
"beginGetCorner: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f\n",
void MyContextReactor::endGetCorner(Acad:romptStatus returnStatus,AcGePoint3d& secondCorner,const char*& pKeyword)
void MyContextReactor::beginSSGet(const char* pPrompt, int initGetFlags,const char* pKeywords,const char* pSSControls, const AcArray& points,const resbuf* entMask)
acutPrintf("beginSSGet:%s\n", NULL != pPrompt ? pPrompt : "");
for (int i = 0; i & ss)
for (int i = 0; i \n", i, ss[i].asOldId());
// My context reactor object
MyContextReactor my_icr;
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) AcRx::AppRetCode
acrxEntryPoint(AcRx::AppMsgCode msg, void *p)
switch (msg)
case AcRx::kInitAppMsg:
case AcRx::kLoadDwgMsg:
// Attach a context reactor to the current document.
case AcRx::kUnloadAppMsg:
// Warning! This sample attaches a context reactor,
// but it never detaches it. A real-life application
// will need to monitor to which document it attached
// the reactor, and will need to detach it.
return AcRx::kRetOK;
} |