我有一个例程,计算一个区域对象中最长直线的长度 ;我希望下面的代码在特定层上创建区域对象的副本,分解副本,然后在完成后删除副本,但它没有#039;t、 ..当我再次运行它时,它会同时删除副本和原始区域对象:
- Public Function GetInsituConcretePolyInsertCount(ByRef myDocuments As AcadDocumentManagerExample) As Integer
- Dim polyInsertCount As Integer = 0
- Dim filterType(1) As Short
- Dim filterData(1) As Object
- Dim selectionSet As AcadSelectionSet
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim inSituConcreteRegion As AcadRegion
- Dim copyOfInSituConcreteRegion As AcadRegion
- Dim insituLength As Double
- Dim explodedRegion As Object
- Dim j As Integer
- Dim line As AcadLine
- Dim regionLength As Double
- Try
- insituLength = 0
- selectionSet = CreateSelSet(myDocuments.ThisDrawing, "INSITUCONCRETE")
- filterType(0) = 0
- filterType(1) = 8
- filterData(0) = "REGION"
- selectionSet.Clear()
- selectionSet.Select(AcSelect.acSelectionSetAll, , , filterType, filterData)
- For i = 0 To selectionSet.Count - 1
- inSituConcreteRegion = TryCast(selectionSet.Item(i), AcadRegion)
- If Not IsNothing(inSituConcreteRegion) Then
- 'regionLength = GetLengthOfRegion(inSituConcreteRegion, myDocuments)
- regionLength = 0
- copyOfInSituConcreteRegion = TryCast(inSituConcreteRegion.Copy, AcadRegion)
- If IsNothing(copyOfInSituConcreteRegion) Then
- Continue For
- End If
- explodedRegion = copyOfInSituConcreteRegion.Explode
- For j = 0 To UBound(explodedRegion)
- Try
- line = TryCast(explodedRegion(j), AcadLine)
- If Not IsNothing(line) Then
- If line.Length > regionLength Then
- regionLength = line.Length
- End If
- line.Delete()
- End If
- Catch ex As Exception
- 'Do nothing it's not a line
- End Try
- Next
- copyOfInSituConcreteRegion.Delete()
- inSituConcreteRegion.Update()
- insituLength += regionLength
- End If
- Next
- If insituLength > 0 Then
- polyInsertCount = Math.Round(insituLength / 1200, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)
- End If
- Catch ex As System.Exception
- MsgBox("Reusable.GetInsituConcretePolyInsertCount : " & ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, EasiCADException.EasiCADErrorTitle)
- End Try
- Return polyInsertCount
- End Function
我第一次运行此例程时,它处理得很好,图形包含原始区域 ;但是,如果我再次运行该例程,它会删除副本和原件 ;如果我使用一次例程,保存图形,关闭它,重新打开它,然后再次运行例程,它就可以正常工作 ;It#039;s仅当例程在同一会话中背靠背运行时,无论是否保存
I';我相信有人会告诉我使用另一个人工制品,比如折线 ;我可以,但这需要在其他地方做大量的工作……我管理的系统的大部分都使用了埋在块中的区域,这些区域一直在爆炸(也不使用副本),这些区域是don 35; 039;不要被移除 ;我想我可以把这些区域埋在块里,但我';我回到了其他地方大量的工作 ;我只是不';不理解为什么Copy命令不#039;我不会再工作了