一旦放置在正确的目录中,您可以使用“vba load ModuleName;vba运行模块名。searchandprint注意:此版本是为特定级别、打印驱动程序和笔表设置的
如果要将其修改为使用不同的ProjectWise打印驱动程序和/或笔表,请使用正确的本地文件夹路径和名称修改以下行。(我不确定“pw\u workdir”是标准变量还是在此处创建的。)
- CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "$ print driver $(pw_workdir)\dms08053\pdf - gs.pltcfg; print pentable attach $(pw_workdir)\dms08052\pen_txdot.tbl"
- Sub SearchAndPrint()
- Dim Counter As Integer
- Dim oEle As Element
- Dim oLevel As Level
- Dim LevelName As String
- Dim oAtt As Attachment
- Dim ee As ElementEnumerator
- Dim esc As ElementScanCriteria
- Dim oShape As ShapeElement
- Dim oAttach As Attachment
- Dim LNoAttach As Attachment 'Live Nested
- Dim oView As View
- Dim oFence As Fence
- Dim fso As Object
- Dim DatedFolder As String
- Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- If Not fso.FolderExists("C:\Temp") Then
- fso.CreateFolder ("C:\Temp") 'Create Parent Directory if it doesn't exist
- End If
- DatedFolder = "C:\Temp" & Format(Now, "yyyy") & Format(Now, "mm") & Format(Now, "dd")
- If Not fso.FolderExists(DatedFolder) Then
- fso.CreateFolder (DatedFolder) 'Create dated Folder if it doesn't exist
- End If
- Set oView = ActiveDesignFile.Views(1) 'Works ONLY with View 1
- Counter = 0 'Counter used to avoid overwriting files if multiple sheets are found
- Set esc = New ElementScanCriteria
- esc.ExcludeAllTypes
- esc.IncludeType msdElementTypeShape 'Only scans shapes
- If ActiveModelReference.Attachments.Count = 0 Then 'Scans active drawing levels if no reference file is detected
- Set ee = ActiveModelReference.Scan(esc)
- Do While ee.MoveNext
- Set oEle = ee.Current
- If Not oEle.Level Is Nothing Then
- LevelName = oEle.Level.Name
- If LevelName = "D_BATCH_PLOT" Then
- Set oShape = oEle 'Pick Shape for fence if it resides on correct level
- Set oFence = ActiveDesignFile.Fence
- If oFence.IsDefined Then oFence.Undefine
- oFence.DefineFromElement oView, oShape
- Counter = Counter + 1
- PrintPDF 'Print to pdf using predetermined settings in public function
- End If
- End If
- Loop
- End If
- For Each oAttach In ActiveModelReference.Attachments 'Scans Each Attachment in the active file
- If oAttach.Attachments.Count > 0 And oShape Is Nothing Then 'Checks for live nesting and proceeds if no shape is found
- For Each LNoAttach In oAttach.Attachments 'If nested attachments are found, they are also scanned
- Set ee = LNoAttach.Scan(esc)
- Do While ee.MoveNext And oShape Is Nothing 'Scanning Continues until shape is found
- Set oEle = ee.Current
- If Not oEle.Level Is Nothing Then
- LevelName = oEle.Level.Name
- If LevelName = "D_BATCH_PLOT" Then
- Set oShape = oEle 'Pick Shape for fence if it resides on correct level
- Set oFence = ActiveDesignFile.Fence
- If oFence.IsDefined Then oFence.Undefine
- oFence.DefineFromElement oView, oShape
- Counter = Counter + 1
- PrintPDF 'Print to pdf using predetermined settings in public function
- End If
- End If
- Loop
- Next
- Else
- Set ee = oAttach.Scan(esc) 'If no live nesting is detected, scan direct reference levels
- Do While ee.MoveNext And oShape Is Nothing 'Until shape is found
- Set oEle = ee.Current
- If Not oEle.Level Is Nothing Then
- LevelName = oEle.Level.Name
- If LevelName = "D_BATCH_PLOT" Then
- Set oShape = oEle 'Pick Shape for fence if it resides on correct level
- Set oFence = ActiveDesignFile.Fence
- If oFence.IsDefined Then oFence.Undefine
- oFence.DefineFromElement oView, oShape
- Counter = Counter + 1
- PrintPDF 'Print to pdf using predetermined settings in public function
- End If
- End If
- Loop
- End If
- Set oShape = Nothing 'Sets Shape to nothing in case addtional border reference files are attached
- Next
- Call OpenFolder(DatedFolder) 'Opens or brings focus to dated folder
- End Sub
- ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' PrintPDF
- ' Print using the pdf-gs.pltcfg
- ' Print using defined fence, view 1, pen_txdot.tbl
- ' Create a PDF document in a dated folder in c:\temp\
- ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Public Sub PrintPDF()
- ' Load the PLOTDLG application
- CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "mdl load plotdlg"
- Dim Path As String
- Path = GetDgnFileName(ActiveModelReference)
- Path = Replace(Path, ".dgn", "")
- ' Set the PDF print driver and pen table
- CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "$ print driver $(pw_workdir)\dms08053\pdf - gs.pltcfg; print pentable attach $(pw_workdir)\dms08052\pen_txdot.tbl"
- ' Print with Active Fence
- Dim oFence As Fence
- Set oFence = ActiveDesignFile.Fence
- If oFence.IsDefined Then
- CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "print boundary fence"
- Else
- Const ViewNum As Integer = 1
- CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "print boundary view " & CStr(ViewNum)
- End If
- 'Const PaperSize As String = "11x17" '<--This is currently the only page size, so it has been commented out
- 'CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "print papername " & PaperSize
- CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "print colormode color"
- CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "print maximize"
- ' Execute the print. The PDF is sent to the dated folder in c:\temp
- Path = "C:\Temp" & Format(Now, "yyyy") & Format(Now, "mm") & Format(Now, "dd") & "" & Path & "(" & Counter & ").pdf"
- CadInputQueue.SendKeyin "print execute " & Path