发表于 2005-3-23 08:16:00
Just for your reference...It's a reply from Joe Parker
Re: Create Boundary
counting the modelspace objects before and after a call to this sub will
tell you if there are any new polylines created- messy but it works
Private Sub Bound()
Dim Pt As Variant, gotpt As Boolean
gotpt = False
On Error Resume Next
Pt = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "Select an Internal Point")
If Err Then
If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE) And &H8000& Then
Exit Function
End If
gotpt = False
gotpt = True
End If
Loop While Not gotpt
On Error GoTo 0
ThisDrawing.SendCommand Chr(3) & Chr(3) & "-boundary" & vbCr & Pt(0) & "," &
Pt(1) & vbCr & vbCr
End Sub |