Dim oEnt as AcadEntity
Set oEnt = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace(ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.Count - 1)
如果执行一个命令,生成的对象比较多,哪么在执行cad命令前记录一下ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.Count ,在执行后再记录一下ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.Count ,就可以把取得所有生成的对象了.
- Option Explicit
- 'By zzyong00 原创
- Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
- '的documment对象的事件类,专门为用sendcommand产生的对象使用
- Public WithEvents Document As AcadDocument
- Public colEntityHandle As Collection '保存更改的对象的handle
- Public EvalCmd As String '设置正在执行的命令
- Private EvalStatus As Boolean '标志命令执行的情况,是否完成,已完成为true
- Private Sub Class_Initialize()
- Set colEntityHandle = New Collection '保存更改的对象的handle
- EvalStatus = False
- End Sub
- Private Sub Document_EndCommand(ByVal CommandName As String)
- If LCase(CommandName) = LCase(EvalCmd) Then EvalStatus = True
- End Sub
- Private Sub Document_ObjectModified(ByVal Object As Object) '将图中更改的对象handle添加到集合中
- 'Debug.Print "Modify:", TypeName(Object), Object.Handle
- If Not TypeName(Object) = "IAcadModelSpace" Then colEntityHandle.Add Object.Handle
- End Sub
- Public Sub ClearEntityHandleCol() '每用完一次,都得清理一下,才能保证是每执行一个命令,集合保存的是最新改变的对象handle
- Dim i As Long
- For i = colEntityHandle.Count To 1 Step -1
- colEntityHandle.Remove 1
- Next
- End Sub
- Public Function IsExistHandle(ByVal strH As String) As Boolean '判断一个handle是否存在真的对象
- On Error GoTo err1
- Dim objEnt As AcadObject
- Set objEnt = Document.HandleToObject(strH)
- IsExistHandle = True
- Exit Function
- err1:
- IsExistHandle = False
- Err.Clear
- End Function
- Public Sub ClearInvalidHandle() '清除掉无效的句柄,对象已被删除
- Dim j As Long
- For j = colEntityHandle.Count To 1 Step -1
- If Not IsExistHandle(colEntityHandle(j)) Then
- colEntityHandle.Remove j
- End If
- Next j
- End Sub
- Public Sub WaitForEvalCmdComplete()
- Do
- Sleep 1
- DoEvents
- Loop Until EvalStatus = True
- EvalStatus = False
- End Sub
- Option Explicit
- 'By zzyong00 原创
- Private Sub MyExtend(objPL1 As AcadObject, objPL2 As AcadObject) '延长命令
- 'objPL1 延长的目标
- 'objPL2 要延长的线
- Dim objDoc As AcadDocument
- Set objDoc = ThisDrawing
- Dim objCls As New clsDocumentEvent
- If objPL1.ObjectName = "AcDbPolyline" And objPL2.ObjectName = "AcDbPolyline" Then
- Set objCls.Document = objDoc
- objCls.EvalCmd = "extend"
- objDoc.SendCommand "_extend" & vbCr & "(handent """ & objPL1.Handle & """)" & vbCr & vbCr & "(handent """ & objPL2.Handle & """)" & vbCr & vbCr '不同autocad版本,命令格式可能稍有不同
- objCls.WaitForEvalCmdComplete
- objCls.ClearInvalidHandle
- End If
- Dim i As Long, objEnt As AcadEntity, objNewPl As AcadLWPolyline
- Dim objColor As AcadAcCmColor
- Set objColor = objCad.GetInterfaceObject("AutoCAD.AcCmColor." & Left$(objCad.Version, 2))
- objColor.ColorIndex = acBlue
- If objCls.colEntityHandle.Count >= 1 Then
- For i = 1 To objCls.colEntityHandle.Count
- Set objEnt = objDoc.HandleToObject(objCls.colEntityHandle.Item(i))
- If objEnt.ObjectName = "AcDbPolyline" Then
- Set objNewPl = objEnt '在这儿,我们获取到了执行命令后变化的对象
- ' Debug.Print objNewPl.Length
- objNewPl.TrueColor = objColor '把它颜色改成蓝色
- End If
- Next i
- End If
- Set objCls.Document = Nothing
- objCls.ClearEntityHandleCol
- End Sub
- Private Sub MyBoundary(Pt1 As Variant, strObjHdl As String)
- '---------------------------
- ' If VarType(pt1) vbEmpty Then
- ' If UBound(pt1) >= 1 Then
- ' strCmd = "-boundary" & vbCr & "a" & vbCr & "o" & vbCr & "p" & vbCr & "i" & vbCr & "y" & vbCr & "b" & vbCr & "n" & _
- ' vbCr & strObjHdl & vbCr & vbCr & pt1(0) & "," & pt1(1) & vbCr & vbCr
- ' 'strObjHdl="(handent """ & objB.Handle & """)" & vbCr & "(handent """ & objPL.Handle & """)" & vbCr
- ' End If
- '
- ' Debug.Print strCmd
- ' ThisDrawing.SendCommand strCmd
- '-----------------------
- '以前版本
- Static lcount As Long
- Dim strCmd As String
- If lcount = 0 Then
- If VarType(Pt1) vbEmpty Then
- If UBound(Pt1) >= 1 Then
- ' strCmd = "-boundary" & vbCr & "a" & vbCr & "o" & vbCr & "p" & vbCr & _
- ' vbCr & pt1(0) & "," & pt1(1) & vbCr & vbCr
- strCmd = "-boundary" & vbCr & "a" & vbCr & "o" & vbCr & "p" & vbCr & "i" & vbCr & "y" & vbCr & "b" & vbCr & "n" & _
- vbCr & strObjHdl & vbCr & vbCr & Pt1(0) & "," & Pt1(1) & vbCr & vbCr
- 'strObjHdl="(handent """ & objB.Handle & """)" & vbCr & "(handent """ & objPL.Handle & """)" & vbCr
- End If
- 'Debug.Print strCmd
- ThisDrawing.SendCommand strCmd
- lcount = 1
- End If
- Else
- If VarType(Pt1) vbEmpty Then
- If UBound(Pt1) >= 1 Then
- strCmd = "-boundary" & vbCr & "a" & vbCr & "b" & vbCr & "n" & vbCr & strObjHdl & vbCr & vbCr & Pt1(0) & "," & Pt1(1) & vbCr & vbCr
- End If
- 'Debug.Print strCmd
- ThisDrawing.SendCommand strCmd
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Boundary() '测试Boundary用
- On Error GoTo err1
- Dim pt As Variant
- Dim objDoc As AcadDocument
- Set objDoc = ThisDrawing
- pt = objDoc.Utility.GetPoint(, "请指定封闭区间内一点:")
- Dim objCls As New clsDocumentEvent
- Set objCls.Document = objDoc '关联Document对象和clsDocumentEvent对象
- objCls.EvalCmd = "-boundary" '传递要用sendcommand执行的cad命令
- MyBoundary pt, "" 'sendcommand 执行cad命令
- objCls.WaitForEvalCmdComplete '等待cad命令执行完
- objCls.ClearInvalidHandle '清除某些命令的临时产物,有些cad命令在执行过程中,会产生临时的cad对象,最后系统又会把它们删掉,所以要剔除这样的对象句柄
- '从objCls.colEntityHandle集合中提取执行cad命令生成的对象.
- Dim objEnt As AcadEntity, i As Long, objNewPl() As AcadLWPolyline, lngPl_count As Long
- If objCls.colEntityHandle.Count >= 1 Then
- lngPl_count = 0
- For i = 1 To objCls.colEntityHandle.Count
- Set objEnt = objDoc.HandleToObject(objCls.colEntityHandle.Item(i))
- If objEnt.ObjectName = "AcDbPolyline" Then
- ReDim objNewPl(lngPl_count)
- Set objNewPl(lngPl_count) = objEnt
- 'Debug.Print objNewPl(lngPl_count).Coordinate(0)(0), objNewPl( _
- lngPl_count).Coordinate(0)(1)
- lngPl_count = lngPl_count + 1
- End If
- Next i
- End If
- Set objCls = Nothing
- Dim objColor As AcadAcCmColor
- Set objColor = objCad.GetInterfaceObject("AutoCAD.AcCmColor." & Left$(objCad.Version, 2))
- objColor.ColorIndex = acGreen
- If lngPl_count >= 1 Then
- For i = 0 To UBound(objNewPl)
- objNewPl(i).TrueColor = objColor
- MsgBox "封闭区域面积为:" & objNewPl(i).Area
- Next i
- End If
- Exit Sub
- err1:
- Debug.Print Err.Description
- End Sub
- Private Sub Command1_Click()
- AppActivate objCad.Caption
- Dim objPL1 As AcadLWPolyline, objPL2 As AcadLWPolyline
- Dim blnESC As Boolean
- SelectPl objPL1, blnESC