发表于 2004-12-24 17:34:00
fileright = False
If Check7.Value = 1 Then
If dwgfile.ActiveSpace = acModelSpace Then
For Each obj In dwgfile.ModelSpace
cadmessage.Label7.Caption = "正在进行属性修改: 查找目标块块 " & mainblock & " 当前 " & obj.ObjectName
If obj.ObjectName = "AcDbBlockReference" Then
If obj.Name = mainblock Then
fileright = True
cadmessage.Label7.Caption = "正在进行属性修改: 已找到 " & mainblock & " 当前正属性修改中。。。"
objatts = obj.GetAttributes
For m = LBound(objatts) To UBound(objatts)
For n = 0 To Combo6.ListCount - 1
If objatts(m).TagString = Combo6.List(n) Then
If Combo8.List(n) "" Then
If Combo8.List(n) = "null" Or Combo8.List(n) = "NULL" Then
objatts(m).TextString = ""
Exit For
objatts(m).TextString = Combo8.List(n)
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
Next n
Next m
End If
End If
Next obj
End If
If dwgfile.ActiveSpace = acPaperSpace Then
For Each obj In dwgfile.PaperSpace
cadmessage.Label7.Caption = "正在进行属性修改: 查找目标块块 " & mainblock & " 当前 " & obj.ObjectName
If obj.ObjectName = "AcDbBlockReference" Then
If obj.Name = mainblock Then
fileright = True
cadmessage.Label7.Caption = "正在进行属性修改: 已找到 " & mainblock & " 当前正属性修改中。。。"
objatts = obj.GetAttributes
For m = LBound(objatts) To UBound(objatts)
For n = 0 To Combo6.ListCount - 1
If objatts(m).TagString = Combo6.List(n) Then
If Combo8.List(n) "" Then
If Combo8.List(n) = "null" Or Combo8.List(n) = "NULL" Then
objatts(m).TextString = ""
objatts(m).TextString = Combo8.List(n)
End If
End If
End If
Next n
Next m
End If
End If
Next obj
End If
End If
If fileright = False Then
Open VB.App.path & "\errlogolgj.txt" For Append As #1
Print #1, "*********************************************************************************"
Print #1, "打开文件出错:" & opendwgfile
Print #1, "属性修改未完成!未发现目标块 "
Print #1, Now
Print #1, "*********************************************************************************"
Close #1
End If
fileright = False
If Check10.Value = 1 Then
newdwgname = ""
If dwgfile.ActiveSpace = acModelSpace Then
For Each obj In dwgfile.ModelSpace
cadmessage.Label7.Caption = "正在进行文件名提取: 查找目标块块 " & mainblock & " 当前 " & obj.ObjectName
If obj.ObjectName = "AcDbBlockReference" Then
If obj.Name = mainblock Then
fileright = True
cadmessage.Label7.Caption = "正在进行文件名提取: 已找到 " & mainblock & " 当前正属性提取中。。。"
objatts = obj.GetAttributes
For z = 1 To 20
If newfilename(z) "" Then
If Mid(newfilename(z), 1, 5) = "const" Then
const1 = Right(newfilename(z), (Len(newfilename(z)) - 5))
newdwgname = newdwgname & const1
For m = LBound(objatts) To UBound(objatts)
If objatts(m).TagString = newfilename(z) Then
newdwgname = newdwgname & objatts(m).TextString
Exit For
End If
Next m
End If
End If
Next z
Exit For
End If
End If
Next obj
End If
If dwgfile.ActiveSpace = acPaperSpace Then
For Each obj In dwgfile.PaperSpace
cadmessage.Label7.Caption = "正在进行文件名提取: 查找目标块块 " & mainblock & " 当前 " & obj.ObjectName
If obj.ObjectName = "AcDbBlockReference" Then
If obj.Name = mainblock Then
fileright = True
cadmessage.Label7.Caption = "正在进行文件名提取: 已找到 " & mainblock & " 当前正属性提取中。。。"
objatts = obj.GetAttributes
For z = 1 To 20
If newfilename(z) "" Then
If Mid(newfilename(z), 1, 5) = "const" Then
const1 = Right(newfilename(z), (Len(newfilename(z)) - 5))
newdwgname = newdwgname & const1
For m = LBound(objatts) To UBound(objatts)
If objatts(m).TagString = newfilename(z) Then
newdwgname = newdwgname & objatts(m).TextString
Exit For
End If
Next m
End If
End If
Next z
Exit For
End If
End If
Next obj
End If |