Dim Point1 As Variant, Point2 As Variant
Point1 = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "Click the lower-left of the window to plot.")
ReDim Preserve Point1(0 To 1) ' Change this to a 2D array by removing the Z position
Point2 = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "Click the upper-right of the window to plot.")
ReDim Preserve Point2(0 To 1) ' Change this to a 2D array by removing the Z position
ThisDrawing.ActiveLayout.CenterPlot = True
ThisDrawing.ActiveLayout.SetWindowToPlot Point1, Point2
ThisDrawing.ActiveLayout.PlotType = acWindow
ThisDrawing.Plot.DisplayPlotPreview acFullPreview
为什么不能居中???大家帮忙 |