- Sub CreateDWGPROPSXrecord()
- ' ************* DISLAIMER *************
- ' This SAMPLE routine was written by
- ' Autodesk Product Support
- ' Use it "AT YOUR OWN RISK"
- ' *************************************
- ' Define variables
- Dim XRecordDataType As Variant
- Dim XRecordData As Variant
- Dim objDWGPROPS As AcadObject
- ' Setup error handling
- On Error GoTo CreateDWGPROPSXrecord_Error
- ' Set the constant for the DWGPRPOPS XRecordData
- ' Use AutoLISP to create the XRecord object
- ThisDrawing.SendCommand ("(/ Xrec Xname) (setq Xrec '((0 . ""XRECORD"") (100 . ""AcDbXrecord"") (1 . ""DWGPROPS COOKIE"") (9 . """"))) (setq Xname (entmakex Xrec)) (dictadd (namedobjdict) ""DWGPROPS"" Xname)" & vbCr)
- ' Set the types for the DWGPROPS
- ReDim XRecordDataType(0 To 22) As Integer
- XRecordDataType(0) = CInt(1)
- XRecordDataType(1) = CInt(2)
- XRecordDataType(2) = CInt(3)
- XRecordDataType(3) = CInt(4)
- XRecordDataType(4) = CInt(6)
- XRecordDataType(5) = CInt(7)
- XRecordDataType(6) = CInt(8)
- XRecordDataType(7) = CInt(9)
- XRecordDataType(8) = CInt(300)
- XRecordDataType(9) = CInt(301)
- XRecordDataType(10) = CInt(302)
- XRecordDataType(11) = CInt(303)
- XRecordDataType(12) = CInt(304)
- XRecordDataType(13) = CInt(305)
- XRecordDataType(14) = CInt(306)
- XRecordDataType(15) = CInt(307)
- XRecordDataType(16) = CInt(308)
- XRecordDataType(17) = CInt(309)
- XRecordDataType(18) = CInt(40)
- XRecordDataType(19) = CInt(41)
- XRecordDataType(20) = CInt(42)
- XRecordDataType(21) = CInt(1)
- XRecordDataType(22) = CInt(90)
- ' Set the defaults for the DWGPROPS values
- ReDim XRecordData(0 To 22)
- XRecordData(0) = CStr("DWGPROPS COOKIE")
- XRecordData(1) = CStr("")
- XRecordData(2) = CStr("")
- XRecordData(3) = CStr("")
- XRecordData(4) = CStr("")
- XRecordData(5) = CStr("")
- XRecordData(6) = CStr("")
- XRecordData(7) = CStr("")
- XRecordData(8) = CStr("=")
- XRecordData(9) = CStr("=")
- XRecordData(10) = CStr("=")
- XRecordData(11) = CStr("=")
- XRecordData(12) = CStr("=")
- XRecordData(13) = CStr("=")
- XRecordData(14) = CStr("=")
- XRecordData(15) = CStr("=")
- XRecordData(16) = CStr("=")
- XRecordData(17) = CStr("=")
- XRecordData(18) = CDbl("0")
- XRecordData(19) = CDbl(Now)
- XRecordData(20) = CDbl(Now)
- XRecordData(21) = CStr("")
- XRecordData(22) = CLng("7")
- ' Get the DWGPROPS object
- Set objDWGPROPS = ThisDrawing.Dictionaries(XRECORD_NAME)
- ' Put the data into the XRecord
- objDWGPROPS.SetXRecordData XRecordDataType, XRecordData
- ' Exit if there have been no errors
- Exit Sub
- CreateDWGPROPSXrecord_Error:
- ' If there was an error, display the error
- MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "There was an error"
- End Sub