发表于 2003-6-5 14:00:00
注册表的路径为:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R15.0\ACAD-1:804\Profiles\\General,那儿有一个键值是ACAD,它保存的就是搜索路径。比如:ACAD="D:\\Program Files\\ACAD2000\\support;D:\\Program Files\\ACAD2000\\fonts;D:\\Program Files\\ACAD2000\\help;D:\\Program Files\\ACAD2000\\express;"
Sub Example_SupportPath()
' This example returns the current setting of
' SupportPath. It then changes the value, and finally
' it resets the value back to the original setting.
Dim preferences As AcadPreferences
Dim currSupportPath As String
Dim newSupportPath As String
Set preferences = ThisDrawing.Application.preferences
' Retrieve the current SupportPath value
currSupportPath = preferences.Files.SupportPath
MsgBox "The current value for SupportPath is " & currSupportPath, vbInformation, "SupportPath Example"
' Change the value for SupportPath
newSupportPath = "TestSupportPath"
preferences.Files.SupportPath = newSupportPath
MsgBox "The new value for SupportPath is " & newSupportPath, vbInformation, "SupportPath Example"
' Reset SupportPath to its original value
preferences.Files.SupportPath = currSupportPath
MsgBox "The SupportPath value is reset to " & currSupportPath, vbInformation, "SupportPath Example"
End Sub |