我分别参考了别人帖子的见解和网络媒体的宣传。有些新功能很强大,特别是低级2012版本可以打开以后更高版本。意味着SolidWorks 2013兼顾了各个用户的基本情况,在适用性和普及度方面,得到了很大的提高。下面我来说下SolidWorks 2013 具体有哪些功能:
a) 更加快速的各种工程视图,便捷而智能化的剖切视图;
b) 便捷切换显示零件中的隐藏体;
c) 装配体性能Offender(障碍源报告器);
d) 导入eDrawings批注;
e) 修订版本云;
f) 多爆炸视图;
g) 爆炸状态下零件的自由旋转;
h) 塑料件配套设计控制;
i) 装饰螺纹与暗榫设计;
j) 焊接切割清单的更多功能;
k) 封套加强;
l) 曲面及其各种相交运算;
m) 同时插入多个部件并实现智能配合;
n) 同时拉伸多个薄壁并控制;
o) 变化的阵列尺寸;
p) 方程输入布满各个角落;
q) 建模同时仿真子模型;
r) 任何类型文档快照;
s) 收藏文件夹;
t) 3DVIA Composer相机;
u) EPDM嵌入Draftsight, 检入/检出,多层次协同;
v) Draftsight与SolidWorks CAD 深度交互,实现草图拷贝;
w) 2012SP5开始打开未来版本(2013);
2.装配可视化——Sort Parts by a new Graphics Performance property so you can find the components that are the most graphically intensive.
3. eDrawings Markup import into SolidWorks Drawings,没有展示更多细节,估计是edrawings文件导入SW工程图。
4. SectionXpert,选择集专家,类似于倒角专家,As soon as you enter into the section tool a horizontal or vertical line appear. (Tab apparently will toggle orientation.) You can then offsets or other additional geometry to the section lines without having to create a sketch!{BANNED}
5. Revision Cloud,修订云工具,这个工具原本存在于edrawings程序中,软件也有这个工具,This tool allows you to put revision cloud graphics around items that changed during a revision. There was NO detail given about when/how it is viewed.2
6. 文件快照 - 调整屏幕视图和视图中显示。还重新设计了视图方向工具栏。
7. Simulation Sub-Modeling——takes loads and boundary conditions and applies it to a subset of the design. You can add additional parts to the submodel as well. The loads and boundary conditions even update when the assembly is updated.
8. 切割清单确定框——通过建立三维边界框,来确定切割清单项目,自动标识结构构件的名称,长度,宽度,高度和填充到切割清单。包括角撑板,端盖,包括SW其它特征建立的实体。
9. 3DVIA Composer的相机 - 增加了支持多个摄像头。沿着时间轴可以调整相机的角度
10. 快速选择文件类型 – 在正常的文件格式下拉框多了一个过滤器的图标。过滤器选项是为SolidWorks零件,装配及图纸。您可以使用过滤器的任意组合,迅速显示所需的文件格式。
11. 封套零件功能增强 – 2013版的封套零件,可用于零件和装配体作为参考的数据。封套可以在任何时间内切换回定期部分。在工程图环境下,封套零件可以显示假想线。他们是不包括在材料明细表中的,而在顶层装配,可以自动隐藏封套零件。
13. 配置多个爆炸图 -这是自SW98plus以来的增强功能!现在,您可以在一个工程图文件中同时配置多个爆炸图
14. 爆炸图零件旋转 - 除了可以在三个坐标轴方向移动零件来创建爆炸图之外,你现在还可以通过旋转零件来创建爆炸图
15. 收藏夹——您可以在FeatureManager设计树中添加一个收藏夹文件夹,使您可以快速访问主要的特征
16. Mounting Boss Feature – This looks really good for folks designing plastic parts. It looks like there are many options in the PropertyManager to configure the boss to the desired shape. All of the features of the Mounting Boss can be stored as Favorites for reuse later on.
17. Cosmetic Thread – You can now turn off the “dreaded” dotted lines created with Cosmetic Threads without affecting the “thread texture” display on the fasteners. Basically they have separated the filtering of these annotations where they used to be controlled with one display filter.
18. Dowel Hole – Dowel Holes have now been added to the Hole Wizard feature. When you create a Drawing featuring these holes, a dowel hole annotation is automatically added.
19. Surface Intersect – This is an intriguing tool. You can use surface bodies to add and take material away. Essentially it will take entire surface bodies and trim and extend the model by adding and taking away the material necessary to match the solid shape to the surface shape.
20. Extrude Multiple Thin Profiles – This is another one that is pretty self-explanatory. In SolidWorks 2013, you can utilize multiple open profiles to create thin extrusions.
22. Vary Pattern Dimensions – You can now vary the dimensions of patterned feature instances. You can make each instance different by changing both linear dimensions and angles.
23. SolidWorks Enterprise Data Management Collaborate with Others – You can hover over document owner listings within EPDM and reveal contact information and online status.
26.低版本软件识别高版本文件——SolidWorks2013软件创建的文件,将可以被SolidWorks 2012 SP5软件打开,并可以使用2013版的文件,配置文件数据。如果通过SolidWorks 2013软件更新了这些文件,SolidWorks 2012 SP5打开这些文件时也能看到这些更新,而且可以同时保存为2012版本和2013版本。当这个功能引起了与会者的强烈反响,全场起立鼓掌。这第一个实现这个功能的三维CAD软件。这不是100%的向后兼容性,但它确实给用户选择的权力,在以前的版本中,如果一个文件被被新版本软件打开并保存,则旧版本软件无法再打开这个文件。
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