发表于 2022-7-5 13:35:45
I have to admit, I was skeptical when I read your post. Things rarely change with AutoCAD/Autolisp over the years, or at least I would have thought I would have remembered this.
But after some testing, I agree.
Given an "acaddoc.lsp" file in the drawing folder, in AutoCAD 2016 and lower, it does get loaded, regardless of the existence of any other "Acaddoc.lsp" file. Presumably because AutoCAD is considering the drawing folder at the TOP of the support file search path.
On 2017 and later, it does not load the "Acaddoc.lsp" file from the drawing folder. It loads the first one it finds in the Support File Search Path (presuming there is another one). This makes me think it's no longer considering the DWG folder to be at the top of the support file search path.
An old trick is to run the -INSERT command (note the hyphen), and then enter a bogus string (EXAMPLE: "gsdfg543casdfas" ) for the block you want to insert. AutoCAD will respond with a message dialog stating that it can't find "gsdfg543casdfas" in the search path, and then list all of the search paths. The listing of the search paths has not changed in 2017 and later however. It still shows the DWG folder as second in the list, right above the "Support File Search Path" that you see in OPTIONS.
Looks like you found a bug, unless you can find some documentation on this changed behavior. I know who to ask. I'll report back if I find out something. |