发表于 2022-7-5 14:34:10
The concept of your CopyStored.lsp program sounded like something that I would use a lot. Although I was unable to download it, it inspired me to take a stab at something myself. What I came up with was surprisingly simple (more of a macro than a real progam), but will still fit my needs quite nicely, I think. It doesn't provide nearly as many options as yours would have, I'm sure, and I'm sure it is not nearly as elegant, either, but I thought I'd add it to your post, here, in case it might benefit someone else, who, like me, was unable to download your program. I actually split mine up into 4 separate little programs. Two are designed to save separate copysets for future use, while the other two actually perform the copy operations. I have two of each, so that I can have two separate copysets available. I thought about combining everything into one program and making the number of copy sets a user specified option, but I'll leave that for another time, since the extra features are hardly worth the extra "programming" time at this moment.
Thank you for the idea !!! |