This didn't work. My text is in the format: EL +27'-0 15/16 for example (It appears your code tries to add 845 to 27'-0 15/16" which doesnt work). I'm guessing it needs to find the 27 in the string and add 845 to it. What I did above is to search for EL +1'* to EL +99'* and add 845' to it, but another LISP I have needs 845'-6" added to the number. Also, After the operation is complete, I need it placed on the 'ISOMOD' layer.
Basically, I'm looking for a way to simplify the code so I don't have to search for EL +1'*, EL +2'*, EL +3'*, etc (I'm always replacing values at the beginning of the string if that helps)... Plus trying to move the updated text value to the 'ISOMOD' layer.
It works based on the information you provided.
If you could construct the above coding, you should be able to take what I have and run with it. Give it a shot instead of rudely telling me that my help doesn't work.