; 错误:功能已取消
- (defun C:TQL ()
- (command "setvar" "insunits" "0")
- (command "setvar"
- "insunitsdefsource" "0")
- (command "setvar" "insunitsdeftarget"
- "0")
- (graphscr)
- (command "expert" "5")
- (command "ucs" "save" "UCS1"
- )
- (command "ucs" "w" )
- (setq P1 (getpoint "\nPick suitable point ")) ;co ord
- (setq PEAST (car P1)) ;eastings
- (setq PNORTH (cadr P1)) ;northings
- (setq PEASTF (rtos
- PEAST 2 0)) ;conversion to string
- (setq PNORTHF (rtos PNORTH 2 0))
- (setq TQEAST (substr PEASTF 2 2)) ;parts of coords
- (setq TQNORTH (substr PNORTHF 2 2))
- (setq TQSQ (strcat TQEAST TQNORTH)) ;name of map
- (setq TQEASTSQ (atoi
- (substr PEASTF 4 2)))
- (setq TQNORTHSQ (atoi (substr PNORTHF 4 2)))
- (if (and (<= TQEASTSQ 50)(<= TQNORTHSQ 50))
- (setq MAP "SW") )
- (if (and (<= TQEASTSQ 50)(> TQNORTHSQ 50))
- (setq MAP "NW") )
- (if (and (> TQEASTSQ 50)(<= TQNORTHSQ 50))
- (setq MAP "SE") )
- (if (and (> TQEASTSQ 50)(> TQNORTHSQ 50))
- (setq MAP "NE") )
- ;
- (setq REPLY (strcat
- "Co-ordinates give TQ" TQSQ MAP))
- (princ REPLY)
- (print)
- (setq MPATH "D:/LB SOUTHWARK/Southwark CAD files/Latest 500m2 tiles")
- ;"//lbs-spatial01/spatialdata/Mapping/Raw_Data/OS MasterMap/Southwark and environs coverage/DWG/Latest 500m2 tiles/") ;@ path for os maps
- (setq DPATH (strcat MPATH "TQ" TQSQ MAP))
- (command "-layer" "make" "xrefs" "")
- (command "-xref" "O" DPATH "0,0" ""
- "" "")
- (command "ucs" "restore" "UCS1" )
- (command "-LAYER" "F"
- "*B_PT,*E_BY,*T_BY,*BMER,*G_PT,*PL_B,*GRID,*HTPT,*R_CL" "C" "252" "*tq*" "C" "251" "*road" "C" "250" "*buildout,buildpk" "")
- (command "-LAYER" "F" "*8010010,*8010098,*8010321,*8010570,*8010571,*8010572,*8010573,*8010574,*8010575" "C" "252" "*G80*" "C" "251" "*8010021" "C" "250" "*8010001" "" )
- (command "expert" "0")
- )