- (defun C:test ( / mysc GetISOpsizes shiftL msgf _getrec LWPoly *error* psL scL orn s g k r rec )
- '(87 114 105 116 116 101 110 32 98 121 32 71 114 114 114)
- (setq mysc 0.1) ; scale factor for the units, to readjust the rectangle's size of (_getrec) and the console prompts, can be leaved nil.
- ; ("A4" "210.00" "297.00")
- (defun GetISOpsizes ( / L r )
- (defun splitstr (s d / p L) (while (setq p (vl-string-search d s)) (setq L (cons (substr s 1 p) L)) (setq s (substr s (+ p 2)))) (reverse (cons s L)))
- (defun GetCanonicalMediaNames ( / acDoc layObj )
- (setq layObj (vla-get-ActiveLayout (setq acDoc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))))
- (vla-put-ConfigName layObj "DWG To PDF.pc3")
- (vla-RefreshPlotDeviceInfo layObj)
- (vlax-invoke (vla-item (vla-get-layouts acDoc) "Model") 'GetCanonicalMediaNames)
- )
- (and
- (setq L (apply 'append (mapcar ''((x)(if (wcmatch x "ISO_*") (list (splitstr x "_")))) (GetCanonicalMediaNames))))
- (setq L (vl-remove-if-not ''((x) (= 6 (length x))) L))
- (setq L (mapcar ''((x) (apply ''((a b c d e f) (list b (vl-string-left-trim "(" c) e)) x)) L))
- (setq r L)
- ); and
- r
- ); defun GetISOpsizes
- ; _$ (shiftL '(a b c d e) t) -> (B C D E A)
- ; _$ (shiftL '(a b c d e) nil) -> (E A B C D)
- (setq shiftL '(( L f ) (if f (append (cdr L) (list (car L))) (cons (last L) (reverse (cdr (reverse L)))))))
- (setq msgf
- '((x psL scL orn / ps sc ori )
- ((eval x)
- (strcat "\n"
- "[A/D] Paper size: " (apply '(lambda (a b c) (strcat a " " b "x" c)) (setq ps (car psL))) " | "
- "[-/+] Scale: " (strcat "1:" (setq sc (car scL))) " | "
- "[TAB] Orientation: " (setq ori (car orn))
- ); strcat
- ); x
- (list ps sc ori)
- )
- ); setq msgf
- (setq _getrec
- (lambda ( c sc / tmp tmpr )
- (redraw)
- (setq tmp (mapcar 'atof (cdar r)))
- (if (/= "Landscape" (car orn)) (setq tmp (reverse tmp)))
- (setq tmp (mapcar ''((x) (* (cond (sc) (1.)) (read (cadr r)) (/ x 2.))) tmp))
- (apply ''((a b c d) (grdraw a b 2 1) (grdraw b c 2 1) (grdraw c d 2 1) (grdraw d a 2 1))
- (setq tmpr
- (list
- (mapcar '+ c tmp)
- (mapcar '+ c (list (- (car tmp)) (cadr tmp)))
- (mapcar '+ c (mapcar '- tmp))
- (mapcar '+ c (list (car tmp) (- (cadr tmp))))
- ); list
- ); setq tmpr
- ); mapcar
- tmpr
- )
- ); setq _getrec
- (defun LWPoly (lst cls) ; Lee Mac
- (entmakex (append (list (cons 0 "LWPOLYLINE") (cons 100 "AcDbEntity") (cons 100 "AcDbPolyline") (cons 90 (length lst)) (cons 70 cls)) (mapcar (function (lambda (p) (cons 10 p))) lst)))
- )
- (defun *error* ( m )
- (redraw)
- (and m (princ m)) (princ)
- ); defun *error*
- (setq psL ((lambda (L / nL) (foreach x L (cond ( (assoc (car x) nL) ) ( (setq nL (cons x nL)) ) )) (reverse nL)) (GetISOpsizes)))
- (setq scL (apply 'append (mapcar ''((a) (mapcar ''((b)(strcat (itoa b) a)) '(1 2 5))) '("" "0" "00" "000"))))
- (setq orn '("Landscape" "Portrait"))
- (setq r (msgf 'princ psL scL orn))
- (while (not s) (setq g (grread t))
- (and (or (equal g '(2 13)) (= (car g) 25)) (setq s T))
- (cond
- (
- (and (= (car g) 2)
- (cond
- ( (member g '((2 97)(2 65))) (setq psL (shiftL psL nil)) )
- ( (member g '((2 100)(2 68))) (setq psL (shiftL psL t)) )
- ( (equal g '(2 45)) (setq scL (shiftL scL nil)) )
- ( (equal g '(2 43)) (setq scL (shiftL scL t)) )
- ( (member g '((2 9)(2 32))) (setq orn (reverse orn)) )
- ); cond
- (setq r (msgf 'princ psL scL orn))
- )
- )
- ( (= (car g) 5) (_getrec (cadr g) mysc) )
- ( (= (car g) 3) (setq rec (_getrec (cadr g) mysc)) (setq s t) )
- ); cond
- ); while
- ; (apply 'msgf (cons 'alert (mapcar 'list r)))
- (and rec (LWPoly rec 1))
- (*error* nil) (princ)
- ); defun
我总是被grread的使用和列表操作所吸引。 |